Production Labor Management
Probably the single largest line item in any event’s budget is labor. Proper management of labor is essential to a successful event. Our experience working with a variety of unions around the country makes us a valuable asset for your labor management needs. Island Creative can assist your event’s labor needs in a variety of ways.
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
-- Walt Disney
Working with the event’s production team we can aide in the process of estimating labor costs. With our extensive knowledge of union contractual rates and conditions and state labor laws we are able to advise you through your budgetary stage. We will offer advice, based on your event's needs, to help you compile the staffing requirements of your event. Once a production schedule is produced, a budget number can easily be arrived at utilizing the conditions of the contract and state labor laws.

Island Creative maintains a close relationship with many talented local theatrical professionals giving us an extremely large pool of personnel to select from when filling an event’s labor requirements. These professionals are selected based on their leadership abilities as well as the ability to communicate and cooperate with the production management team. Our on-site supervisors, coming out of our shop, can be a critical ally during the installation, operation and removal of your event.
We utilize a balance process between our final detail sheet and the payroll sheet given to us from the event site. This process ensures that the payroll report generated by the lead technician on your event is correct. This is the stage where many errors are discovered and corrected usually before the final labor invoice is processed.

Island Creative Management will act on your behalf to provide a labor force that is professional and qualified. Labor cost will be detailed so expenses can be accurately tracked. These qualities allow Island Creative to be the labor management source of choice.
Email us at for more info.